Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mom Used To Say ...

Mom used to say, "Don't cross the road until you get to it." It was good advice. We took Shiloh in to the vet's on Saturday. Actually, I should say that I made Rick take Shiloh to the veterinarian. I am such a bawl-baby, I cried just thinking about going.

It seemed like Rick was gone for a very long time. I tried sitting on the swing and reading a book, but nothing could get my mind off of it. I really thought Shiloh had hip dysplasia, and that we would have to let him go. We could tell he was hurting, and his legs were getting weaker each day. It was painful just to watch him try to get up or sit down.

I sat in my room, in my safe place, waiting. When I heard the front door open, I froze. Then I heard Shiloh's feet padding along to my bedroom. Rick came in with a bottle of pain medication and a great big smile on his face.

Shiloh does not have anything wrong with his legs or hips. He has a back injury. When Shiloh gets really excited, he runs so fast on the hard floors, he slides off of his feet. We think that's how he hurt his back. The vet gave us pain medication with the hopes that his back will heal on its own. We'll have to see if he is still in pain after the prescription runs out, but that just means that the vet will find another pain medication for Shiloh.

HAPPY DANCE. HAPPY DANCE. HAPPY DANCE. I am so happy. What a relief. It is just like Mom used to say, don't cross the road before you get to it.


Amber said...
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Amber said...

I am so relieved. I was worried about you and shiloh all weekend. I am so glad for you! Thanks for update.

Anonymous said...

Animals are such special friends. I am glad it's okay.

Di said...

I'm baaackkk! I'm glad to hear your doggie is going to be ok. Pets certainly hold special places in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Shiloh doesn't have hip dysplasia. When I started to read this post, my heart lept into my throat. Hubby and I recently lost our beloved boy dog, Blacky to complications from a lifetime of hip dysplasia. He, also, was one of those "lifetime" dogs and there's a big hole in my heart without him. I'm doing a happy dance with you!!